Reference Project: Nursing home in Dobl-Zwaring

Nursing home in Dobl-Zwaring

The nursing home is located on a 12 hectare property in the core area of ​​the market town of Dobl-Zwaring.

The Y-shaped building is a fully detached, three-storey building in solid construction with partial basements for functional and staff rooms. Ground floor: foyer, dining room, offices and meeting rooms, as well as single and double rooms with associated lounge areas with care-friendly furnishings. Hairdresser and pedicure, a fitness room and a café are part of the upscale equipment. Upper floors: the other single and double rooms for the 150 residents with associated lounge areas and various ancillary rooms.

In the architecture of the care home a classic design with homely accents was consciously taken into account, so that it simply blends in with the extra-urban environment.